Hydrostal has existed on market since 1993. The production plant is located in Brzeszcze on national road 933 Pszczyna-Oświęcim.
We have two production halls with a total surface of more than 2500 square metres and a warehouse space of about 10,000 square metres.
We have systematically developed our automotive fleet for several years. We use it to deliver the materials to our customers’ in Poland and abroad. We also provide transport services within the European Union. In addition, we provide services in the field of profiling sections and longitudinal cutting of metal sheets.
business partner
We are a flexible, open to innovations and seeking to meet the needs of even the most demanding customers. There is a possibility of individual contracts on the basis of technological drawings supplied by the customer.
Having in mind the control and improvement of the quality of the products and services we offer, in 2006 we implemented the Quality Management System according to the standard ISO 9001: 2000.
Production program
- Galvanized sections designed for reinforcing the PVC joinery of all window systems.
- U-shaped or angular, cold formed or hot rolled steel sections and other according to customer’s requirements
- Galvanized steel strips, cold and hot rolled.
- Metal perimeter fencing
- Dog pens

HYDROSTAL Sp. z o.o. implements the project under the name
„Innovative technology of hot-dip galvanizing of steel products in the newly emerging Hydrostal galvanizing plant”
The project is implemented in cooperation with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego as part of the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020 Sub-measure 3.2.2 Loan for technological innovations co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
On March 22, 2019 we signed with the institution financing the contract no. POIR.03.02.02-00-1489 / 18-00.
The total cost of the project: PLN 17 093 000.00. | Maximum co-financing value: PLN 6,000,000.00. Inquiries related to the project are available in the TENDERS tab
Production program covers the following range of products:
Production Department
Corespondence address :
str. Ofiar Oświęcimia 78
zip code 32-620 city Brzeszcze
tel. +48 32 21 11 759
fax +48 32 21 09 020
e-mail: hydrostal@hydrostal.pl