Each element made of metal materials is exposed to corrosion and appearance of unwanted rust, which affects the technical condition of the element and its visual perception. One of the ways to prevent the formation of rust and protect metal components is hot-dip galvanizing. We offer you professional services of galvanizing on steel structures of various sizes and shapes, such as fence posts. Our technological facilities allow us to perform zinc coatings on elements with dimensions of up to 6900 x 1400 x 3000 cm and weighing up to 5000 kg. If you want to galvanize larger elements, it is also possible. Just contact our specialists and determine the necessary details.


There are many types of galvanizing, and the most popular are the galvanizing and hot dip galvanizing. In both cases, the galvanizing process involves applying a layer of zinc to the steel element by immersing it in a special solution. The zinc coating formed in this way, protects the element against the appearance of rust. Our galvanizing plant is equipped with appropriate equipment that allows galvanizing both large-size structures, as well as small steel elements such as screws and bolts. Please note that before the galvanizing of each element must be thoroughly cleaned of any rust, dust and dirt. Only then you can proceed to galvanizing. In our company you can count on comprehensive services. We properly prepare the components for galvanizing, and then proceed to apply the zinc coating.


If you need to perform a professional galvanizing on large-sized steel structures and those smaller, we invite you to contact us!



7 + 8 =

HYDROSTAL Sp. z o.o.

ul. Ofiar Oświęcimia 78
32-620 Brzeszcze

Zakład Produkcyjny II
ul. Kolejowa
32-620 Brzeszcze
woj. małopolskie

tel. +48 32 21 11 759
fax +48 32 21 09 020
